Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Lord We Have So Many Questions...

No parent should ever have to bury his or her child.  Despite our differences, that is one statement that we can all agree upon.  Yet this past week, we have witnessed a nightmare for the families of those killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School.  Parents, young and old are burying their children this week in Newtown, CT. Children that probably have Christmas presents under the tree and children who were probably excited for their upcoming Christmas break.  These young children will never play during recess again, never dance at their prom and never feel the separation pain of going off to college.  Yes, the children are denied experiencing all of this and their parents are robbed of witnessing their children grow up.

There are no words to describe the grief that I feel when I see the victims and their families of Sandy Hook Elementary.  As I dropped my seven year-old daughter off for school I started to panic.  I saw her little head bobbing along with her friends walking into the school and I just sat watching from my car.  I was ‘supposed to’ pull forward and keep the car pool line going, but I couldn’t make myself move.  All I could do was watch her and pray protection on her that day.  I imagined what it must have felt like for the families of the 20 children killed.  Did they relive over and over their final moments with their children?  Did they wish they’d said one more time that I love you?  Did they think about those little arms wrapping around them for their nightly hug before bed? 

This side of heaven we will probably never have the answer to the ‘why’ question.  I do believe in a holy God who has a plan and purpose for each beautiful life.  I do believe that His ways, His thoughts are not mine.  Yet, I don’t understand an evil that could take the lives of innocent children and adults.  I don’t understand why families have to feel this unimaginable grief.  I don’t understand, but I do believe that God will use this tragedy to change lives and for His glory.   I believe.  Without faith this tragedy would seem hopeless.  With faith it feels devastating, but I cling to my faith in a sovereign and loving God.  A God who loved us so much he sacrificed his own son for us.  ~ Blessings xo Melissa