Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Salvation...It's God's Call, Right?

Holy smokes Batman!  I am astounded at the negative comments that my previous blog and yesterday's show has received.  The sticking point seems to be salvation, sin and whether we can lose our salvation.  At least that seems to be my interpretation from the comments I've read on this blog, facebook and emails sent to me.  So, let's get into it.   First, I do believe that whether we agree or disagree we all have a right to an opinion and to respectfully disagree.  I also know for a fact that it is easy to read or hear something I said or even Matt said and misinterpret it.

I believe that salvation is a heart issue.  I believe that God and only God knows your heart and knows if you made a serious declaration for the Lord and his salvation.  I do not believe that God turns his back from a sincere believer who falls into sin.  I think of addicts who battle their demons every day, some days winning, some days losing.  They believe but battle their sin like a dragon slayer.  If someone slips, knowingly sins yet believes that Jesus died on the cross for them, are they not saved?  This is where I say, salvation is heart issue between you and God.  He and only He knows your heart and whether you truly believe that He is the one and true Lord and that He died on the cross for your sins.  He died before we were born and yet He died knowing that we were sinners and would need his salvation in order to stand before God.

I don't believe that salvation is easy, but I also don't believe that it's an obstacle course.  I don't think that you can lose you salvation, like you would lose your keys or sunglasses, but I do believe you can choose to reject Christ.  Once again it comes down to a heart issue.  Only God knows our heart and our decisions.  We may look at someones life and see a disaster and a life that looks anything like a Christian, but do we know the heart?  I say no, only God knows the heart.

I have never said or will say accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and go hog wild with sin.  Yet, reading some of the comments that is what some believe I am saying.  I believe that when you accept Jesus you do NOT want to sin.  You want to flee from your old ways and become a new creation in Christ.   But who of us since accepting Christ has lived sin free?  No one.  If that is the case can we really judge each others sins and hearts?  I say no.  Yes, we look at some of our brothers and sisters and wonder how they can make the choices they may make and say they're a Christian.  BUT, do we know their heart?  No, we don't only God does.  We know what we see and we judge.  I write this as someone who has been this judgmental - legalistic Christian.  Yep, I was just as guilty and I am ashamed at how much judgement I threw out there.  Then my life changed, I as a believer fell into my own sin, knowing it was wrong and yet sinning and still believing in Christ.  That's when it hit me, only God knows a mans heart because only He knew mine.  That was years ago and it is also the basis and fuel behind the type of show I do.  

This show is a heart show.  It's having honest heart to heart talks, learning and seeing each other's hearts and yet leaving the judgment of our hearts up to God.  That's why I welcome all opinions, although I won't agree with every one, I do agree we all have a right to our opinions.  I also challenge you as I challenge myself to listen with a loving heart and an open mind.  You never know when God will use others to speak to you through them.

God bless and much love xo


  1. If Christians spent as much time on their knees asking God to forgive their sins, as they do judging other people the world would be a different place. Jesus specifically and directly told us" "Do not Judge" He also told us "To love your neighbor as yourself" He even defined what a neighbor is!!!
    The quickest way to make yourself feel like a better Christian is to judge and degrade other christians. I love this blog, but people need to remember it is not about us!!!!

  2. Absolutely, Melissa! I think so often that we Christians spend so much time critiquing other Christians and their performance as Christians, even judging their hearts, instead of actually striving to please Jesus ourselves. Rather hypocritical, don'tcha think? I'm pretty sure the great commission was NOT, "Go ye into all the churches, bashing them, and criticizing them until they fit into your limited understanding of Christianity."

    Instead of getting all "hung up" on semantics and whether or not we're agreeing with each other about the details of Christianity, why don't we expend a little energy actually BEING Christ to someone? Just a thought...

  3. Melissa, your post fits right along with my earworm of the day, "They Will know we are Christians by our love..."
