Thursday, March 1, 2012

Want To Be a Rebel Christian With Me?

"If I could write a letter to me..."I love that song by Brad Paisley.  Yep, I admit it I love Christian music and I also love Country music.  In fact I also love Def Leppard, old 80's rap and Frank Sinatra.  As a Christian I have often felt the pressure to become a cookie cutter Christian.  I remember dating a guy in college who thought I was a rebel because I had Def Leppard, White Snake and AC/DC cassettes mixed in with my Steven Curtis Chapman.  He seemed like a Godly guy, so I thought he must be right.  I can't like all of this music.  With this thought started a  long struggle in my mind and heart of being who I was and loving the Lord.

I can honestly say that I am still growing in God's freedom.  I have been the judgmental, legalistic Christian who wanted all of us to fit in a pretty Christian mold.  The funny thing is that I also rebelled against all that I thought I had to be.  The problem and actually the solution is that I don't like to be put in box any more than I'm sure God does.  I truly believe that I rebelled during my 20's against God not because of who He is, but because of who I tried to make Him.  He never told me the 'rules' that I thought I had to live by.  I invented these rules in my head and then became angry when I hated them and didn't want to adhere to them.  How crazy is that?!

Now, I constantly push myself not to become lazy with my faith and freedom.  I am constantly challenging myself with questions about the freedom I have in the Lord.  I received an email yesterday from a young woman struggling with an eating disorder, struggling with her faith, a pastor's kid and also she's a lesbian.  All I could think is that I just wanted to hug her and tell her I was sorry for the mean things said to her and tell her that I love her and so does God.  I can't imagine the Christian bullying -
( yep, that's my new term) that she has gone through.  Wonder how many people told her she couldn't be a lesbian and Christian?  I wonder how many people told her what she was doing wrong vs. stopped to get to know her and love her?  I wonder how many of the people I knew in college would be these people.  I wonder if I would have had the courage to stand up for her and God?  I don't know about the me then, but the me now says  HECK yes!  The RC (Rebel Christian) in me would probably even use a choicer word.  :)  Still like me?

It amazes me the love and freedom I can feel when I'm not worried about trying to fit in and be accepted.  I admit that at times I still struggle with wanting to be liked and wondering if my RC attitude makes me an outcast, but I pray and try to push through the doubts.  We're all different, I believe that we're really all RC, which makes us really just a body of believers together.  If we're the body of Christ, why should the arm look like the leg?  It shouldn't and doesn't and I believe that is why we're not supposed to be a cookie cutter of anyone.



  1. I guess I'm considered a RC. I'm an ordained minister; a woman with a past who serves the Lord in the Bible belt. I have tattoos (that all glorify God and are excellent witnessing tools) and a Ministry in the most undeveloped coastline in the state of Florida, that does not believe in "cleaning the fish before they're caught" that's God's job-so to say, our congregation consists of those who struggle with addictions to alcohol, drugs, and among other things.

    Praise God! That we're not all the same. Some are for honor and some for dishonor but regardless He is not a respector of persons. Each one was created for a specific purpose and plan within His Kingdom here on earth. He's raising up a trained and disciplined army of Believer's; marching forth in His love, who people will look upon and see Jesus, that Rebel Outlaw who is the Author and Finisher of our Faith. We love You Lord, may we all be Rebels for God. Hallelujah!!!!

  2. Our Lord and Savior surrounded himself with the sinners... sin is sin... Jesus loves them all...We are is hands and feet and mouth and heart...Give these people unconditional love, agape LOVE ...Be their friend and introduce them to Christ ... thank you Lord for loving this RC And for using me to bring your light into the darkness. Thank you lord for loving this wretch ...all glory to God
    God bless Melissa

  3. I heard this on the station,I`m addicted to your show.I so get what you are saying.We cannot be judgemental,God is utimatly who we answer to.One day there was a talk on the radio about Whitney Houston & if she died in her sin of addiction,would God still accept her.There were alot of comments about that,& I especially liked how someone said,who is not in sin when they die,we are all sinners & have fallen short.But I believe my God will pick me up & say,yrs,we spoke of this many times & I have forgiven you.I didn`t always believe that.Thanks for your insight & I love being inspired every day with the words, uplifting thoughts,prayers,& music,phyllis in Pa.
